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Telstra Health needed to understand the future of the health system to reimagine their product offering.

  • Research
  • Service Design

As healthcare in Australia is transformed to a consumer centred model, Telstra Health is looking to stay at the forefront.

With a strong foundation of solutions designed to support a residential aged and disability care model, Telstra Health is looking to innovate with a focus on decentralised care, illness prevention and maintaining health at home.

Telstra Health wanted to explore opportunities across the health system, for technology to help people connect with the right care at the right time.


Design research interview taking place between a design researcher and a research participant
Group scene of two design researchers from Today, with two research participants

We spent time with participants in their homes, using mediated design tools to understand how they interact with technology and how technology affects a typical day in the home.

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The people we spoke to were very generous, warm and welcoming. They opened up their homes and their hearts for us. This built rapport, allowing us to have meaningful, productive conversations around their use of technology in the home.

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Collaborating with Telstra Health, we recruited a diverse range of research participants including current users and prospective users, people with health issues and those without.

We developed research kits, designed to allow us to engage and collaborate with participants. By using contextual inquiry, spending time with people in their homes, we could learn about how their homes are organised, current technology and plans for the future.

Our primary and secondary research was used to build out 'health at home' ecosystem maps, detailing all of the actors, linkages, insights and opportunity areas.  Our 'community futurescape' put a range of trends and predictions in the context of patient needs, highlighting the potential of technology to better deliver the care people want.

Researchers carrying out design research activity in a care facility


Telstra Health is making product decisions based on the shape of services that are considered of higher value to customers. They have a clearer picture of the role of health technology in Australian homes, and what we want future services to look like.